Amnesty International

Amnistía InternacionalAmnesty International is a global, democratic and independent movement present in more than 150 countries with more than 7 million members and partners and that works so that all people can enjoy human rights. The objective of the organization is to carry out research and take action to prevent and end serious abuses against civil, political, social, cultural and economic rights and to seek justice for those whose rights have been violated.

Los Derechos Humanos

Along with rigor in research and the independence of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religious creed, one of its hallmarks is activism in fields as diverse as the release of every prisoner of conscience, the abolition of torture and the death penalty, the rights of refugees and displaced persons, the LGBTi community and the freedom of expression and association among others.

In the field of international human rights organizations, Amnesty is one of those with the longest history and the one with the highest recognition in the world.