Caravana Migrante

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This year the World Press Photo awarded as best photograph to "Crying Girl on the Border" by John Moore in which you can see how the police arrest a mother in front of her daughter at the US border crossing. A clear way to show with just a portrait what Donald Trump's immigration policy consists of.

We also wanted to make a small photographic exhibition showing the drama of the migrant caravan from the photojournalist Whitney Godoy that you can enjoy in Ecolectia until May.

In 2017, the passage of 26,000 migrants through Mexican territory was detected, by 69 percent Hondurans, the economic factor for migrating is the lack of employment in their countries of origin. According to data from the Social Forum for External Debt (FOSDEH), in Honduras there are more than two million unemployed people so they choose to leave the country in search of better opportunities.

Melvin Gomez, a 25-year-old Honduran migrant, died after falling from the vehicle in which he was transported from Tapachula to reach a contingent of 8,000 migrants who were heading towards Huixtla.

10 people from the caravan of migrants died on their way through Mexican territory and this adds to 100 missing persons in their passage through the state of Veracruz, Mexico denounced by the National Human Rights Commission of Oaxaca, 99 percent of the kidnappings of migrants are not investigated.

After two weeks of staying at the Benito Juarez shelter on the Tijuana border in Baja California, a hundred migrants called for a mobilization asking the immigration authorities of the United States to grant them the benefit of asylum, the protest was led by women and children.

When approaching the wall the United States border patrol repelled the group from the other side with tear gas and rubber bullets, helicopters flew over the area behind the wall, announcing by horns "if they cross, they will be stopped".

More than 100 children traveled alone from Honduras with the migrant caravan to travel thousands of kilometers to reach the border and try to cross into the United States, according to Save the Children. By traveling alone, traffickers abuse the vulnerability of children and with tricks help them cross borders, to sell them as slaves or force them into prostitution.

Migrants arrive in the municipality of Juchitán, Oaxaca, on the outskirts of the city in a bus station where the more than 7,000 Central Americans were able to pernote. For the first time, the women were transported by buses and have access to basic services.

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