Fair Trade with the best coffee from Huila

Posted By: Ecolectia In: Noticias On: Comment: 0 Hit: 6220

Colombian coffee is appreciated throughout the world and from the Café de Colombia institution they group 3 denominations of origin: Nariño, Cauca and Huila.

The last denomination of origin of Colombia is the Denomination of Huila. Huila coffee includes a soft washed Arabica coffee, which once processed is sensory identified by having a balanced global impression, always with sweet notes, with acidity and medium / medium high body, a classic coffee specialty.

The cup profile is derived from geographical factors of the Department of Huila: coffee is usually exposed to the sun 3.5 hours a day due to cloudiness and the height of 1000 to 2000 meters.

Within the department of Huila we highlight the work of the San Isidro Associative Group. This group of high quality sustainable and fair trade coffee producers has as its mission the production, commercialization, provision and also technical assistance in the coffee sector .

At the end of the decade of the 70s, San Isidro began to show the first signs of development, thanks to the opening of the road that communicated to the towns of Acevedo and Pitalito and the presence in the area of ​​the Departmental Committee of Coffee Growers that through of its Extension service, it promoted the technical and agronomical training of coffee cultivation, organizing groups of people called "Friendship Groups" (Grupos de Amistad) that were trained and initiated the planting process of the first areas of Coffee.

The development and socioeconomic growth of the area generated other needs in the population and demanded new services which implied a higher level of organization and the entry of new associates who, in addition to providing economic resources, contributed their ideas to the materialization of development projects. that were already brewing for the region and that were considered important, such as electrification, water brought, paved roads and, of course, the basic education of the population.

San Isidro Associative Group was a real engine of change in the region.

Thanks to the benefit of the Fairtrade premium and through agreements with the municipality of Acevedo and the Department of Huila, these producers carry out several projects in the community that revolves around 3 work areas:

        Education: Apart from the training of associates in the technical and agronomic fields related to fair trade coffee, its production, harvesting and processing, educational projects such as the construction of the San Isidro Basic School are co-financed in order to expand services to education with an emphasis on sustainable agriculture.

         Health: Community service of a primary medical center conditioned to offer essential services of outpatient, vaccination and dentistry.

         Environment: Managing the purchase of more than one hundred hectares of forests and land to reforest and contribute to the water support of the region. Also in relation to the prevention and conservation of the vulnerability of three bird species in the region, something highlighted by the National Coffee Research Center. Also enter the green markets and receive certifications that accredit the San Isidro Group as an ally of forests and birds.

This social, economic and cultural development of the associates helps them to exercise leadership, to enhance their individual and family growth and to be productive and respectful of the environment. This producer group promotes clean and trained agriculture to its associates in the management of biofertilizers.

The quality of sustainable coffee is also maximum since the San Isidro Associative Group has been a finalist in the “La Taza de la Excelencia” contest and received other awards such as Illicafé or Rainforest Alliance.

For Colombian coffee lovers of the highest quality is San Isidro Colombia is a classic aromatic coffee, and above all, fair and sustainable.


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